You’ve started to hear the buzz about our exciting annual art event that’s nearby, a ‘consistent celebratory event’, rich with cultural heritage and it’s free. It’s our 25th "Silver" - Art of the African Diaspora Exhibit & Open Studios (AOTAD), with original artwork by 100+ artists of African descent. How do you navigate it all, to get the most from this event? First off, each artist offers one piece of art at the Richmond Art Center (RAC) gallery, in Richmond, California. It's a captivating sampler of our work - and preview of more to be seen at the next step: the Satellite and Open Studios.
Pick up a Program booklet created by fellow artist Renata Grey, available at RAC, or though one of the artists. It lists all the artists and contact info, great background history, tributes and is a guide to seeing the artist's satellite or open studios.
Visitors can view full collections of each artist’s work at the ‘Satellite’ and/or Open Studios - events at venues in Oakland, Richmond, Dublin, Concord and other locations. Open studios allow visitors to get close and personal - meet the artists in their artsy setting & see more art pieces. I love visiting the studios as well as participating in them. Here’s AOTAD’s facebook page for info: A huge thank you goes out to the new steering and advisory committees, and RAC for all the work and support!
Off the top and having been involved as an artist for 25 years, my take? YOU MUST experience this local treasure! It is the longest running annual event of its kind in the San Franisco Bay Area (and maybe the nation?) to feature the largest pool of talented artists of African descent. The network of artists is incredible, camaraderie among artists and supporters - priceless! One becomes truly immersed in our diverse African & African American history, the stories, depictions and the creative freedom in art of all forms. Audiences say this year’s is the best exhibit yet. It’s an annual event so you won’t want to miss the action in February and March. Join us and get inspired! Pat P.